Actividad 5:tabla de can y can’ t(ingles)

Can t
I can play guitar.
He cant dace in the party.
You can Cook very well.
They cant playing piano.
He can climb the tree.
She can fly in the party.
The can fix cars.
You cant sing.
We can travel by bus.
I cant run in the party.
She can take the children with her to Houston.
We cant beat in the party.
She can be bock by noon.
They cant hear you.
She can retur later.
I cant play the trombone.
You cant play soccer.
She cant  walk.
She can walk.
You cant do this task in one hoor.

Oraciones con can y can t
Alumna: Vanessa Ignacio Landero
Profesor: Jaime Perianez Álvarez
Disciplina: ingles.


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